
architecture firms of sweden معنى

  • شركات هندسة معمارية في السويد
  • architecture    n. هندسة معمارية, ...
  • architecture firms    شركات هندسة معماري ...
  • firms    الشركات; منشآت
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • sweden    السويد

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. architecture firms of germany معنى
  2. architecture firms of hong kong معنى
  3. architecture firms of india معنى
  4. architecture firms of japan معنى
  5. architecture firms of mexico معنى
  6. architecture firms of switzerland معنى
  7. architecture firms of the netherlands معنى
  8. architecture firms of the united kingdom معنى
  9. architecture firms of the united states معنى
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